Unlike many other titles of this type, you aren't here to kill the monsters and make it to the exit. The game is presented as a top-down shooter, though not a twin-stick one, considering the platforms this was originally released on. Your arsenal is more playful than serious, as you use the power of squirt guns, tomatoes, and silverware to fend off enemies.

You may start off fighting against zombies, but it doesn't take long before that expands to mummies, hockey mask-wearing maniacs wielding chainsaws, blobs, and giant babies. In-game, this is more about homages to classic monster movies and the more modern horror movies of the time. However, that plot only exists in the instruction manual. Tongue creates a horde of monsters to take over the world, and it falls upon two kids, Zeke and Julie, to stop them. Zombies Ate My Neighbors loosely follows a plot where Dr. In a surprise move, LucasArts has gone ahead and released both this and its sequel, Ghoul Patrol, in one package on modern platforms. With its numerous levels, vast bestiary, and easy-to-understand action, it became a beloved cult classic.

Beyond that, there's Zombies Ate My Neighbors, a co-op, top-down shooter that appeared on the Super NES and Sega Genesis. Others will remember the slew of point-and-click adventure games from the Monkey Island series to Maniac Mansion, to name a few. For some, that'll be their licensed Indiana Jones and Star Wars titles, some of which are held in very high regard among PC players. Whether you know them as Lucasfilm Games or LucasArts, chances are that the name conjures up some memories of classic games.