Those packs will have a download symbol next to the names of each pack.

When you first open Flex VST Free Download, you’ll notice in the browser on the left, there’s a section labeled “Installed Packs.” There will be 4 additional packs you’ll be able to download immediately right from the browser. Instead, each FLEX preset has already done the heavy lifting to get you started with the groundwork you need to come up with sounds that would much longer to synthesize yourself. So this isn’t meant for those who are wanting to sound design completely from scratch. While you won’t have full control over the synthesis of each patch, Flex VST Free Download is meant to give you high-quality sounds that are easy to work with through the use of macro controls, envelopes and FX. This concept is comparable to other VSTi’s that use ROMs with simple interfaces to edit each patch, much like a workstation keyboard that is preloaded with sounds. Image-Line is delivering “advanced simplicity” through the use of subtractive, wavetable, multisample, AM and FM synthesis that is packaged in a simple to use GUI to manipulate individual presets. This icon will also show if a Pack has been updated and a new download of it is available. NOTE: The FL Studio Hint Bar will show the download size on mouse-over the download icon. Some packs such as Essential Strings, Essential Pianos are free to registered FL Studio customers only, so will only be available for download once you have unlocked FL Studio.

Click these Packs to select them for purchase, a tick will appear (see below).